How XLERPLATE® steel products conform to AS/NZS 3678:2016

BlueScope’s XLERPLATE® steel manufacturing facilities are accredited to the international Quality Management System standard ISO 9001:2015 and have a long history of supplying quality products to the construction and fabrication industry.
Conformance to the relevant Australian Standard AS/NZS 3678:2016 offers confidence that the material will perform as intended.
BlueScope supports a safe construction and fabrication industry and demonstrates conformance to AS/NZS 3678:2016. This includes correct conformance information being visible on both plate stencils and test certificates. For further assurance, BlueScope’s XLERPLATE® steel manufacturing facilities are independently certified by the Australasian Certification Authority for Reinforcing and Structural Steels (ACRS).
XLERPLATE® steel products conform by:
1. Product Identification
The stencil on the plate has the following information:
A. Steel grade and the Standard applicable
B. Heat number
C. Traceable plate or identification number
D. Name of manufacturer
BlueScope stencils all of its AS/NZS 3678:2016 structural steel plate with the necessary conformance information for identification, traceability and linkage to a specific test certificate. Although not mandatory, the stencil also states the ACRS certification number for even greater assurance. Having the right information as required by the Standard provides the first step in the quest for product conformance assurance.
To assist the customer further, BlueScope provides additional information that is in addition to the minimum requirements of the Standard:
- Customer name
- Destination
- Size
- Gross mass
- BSL Order and Item number
To assist customers to identify XLERPLATE® steel products when stacked or on a rack, a label is applied on the surface of the plate and wrapped around the plate edge. Verification of the product should be made on receipt of the product. The label has the plate serial number in alphanumeric characters and a barcode containing the following information:
- Serial number
- Grade
- Size
2. Test Certificate Details
NATA accredited test certificates are provided with each XLERPLATE® steel order and are kept on file. Certificates dating back to 1993 are available and provide a strong second step in the quest for product conformance assurance.
To ensure conformance XLERPLATE® steel test certificates have the following minimum information as per AS/NZS 3678:2016:
- Certificates to be written in English
- Reference to a third party accrediting body recognised by ILAC, such as NATA
- Steelmakers, manufacturers, suppliers and testing authority’s name
- Test certificate number and test number
- Date
- Product, testing specification and grade, e.g. AS/NZS 3678-350L15
- Product delivery condition, e.g. “As rolled”
- Dimensions
- Product Steelmaking process, e.g. basic oxygen, slab cast
- Unique product identifiers for the tested units and other product covered by the test certificate
- Heat number
- Chemical Analysis type, e.g. either ladle or cast analysis ('L') or product ('P') analysis
- Chemical composition of all elements listed in Tables 2 or 3 of the standard
- The relevant mechanical testing results (including test piece position and orientation, batch or item basis of testing and results)
- Additional tests agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer
- Statement acknowledging the chemistry and tested mechanical properties comply with the standard
- Signatory from the manufacturer, supplier and certification authority attesting to items above
3. Third Party Accreditation
Australasian Certification Authority for Reinforcing and Structural Steels (ACRS) accreditation provides further confidence that the material specified will deliver the properties outlined under AS/NZS 3678:2016.
ACRS provides independent, expert, industry-based accreditation, certifying manufacturers and suppliers of reinforcing, prestressing and structural steels to Australian/New Zealand Standards. ACRS was formed by industry in 2000, using an internationally recognised model for steel certification established in the UK almost 30 years ago. ACRS is structured around the requirements of the International Standard for bodies operating product certification systems, ISO/Guide 65, published as AS/NZS 3843, and its successor Standard, ISO/IEC 17065.
ACRS has independently assessed BlueScope to have the capability to manufacture to Australian Standard AS/NZS 3678:2016 and verified that it consistently does so.